
non-it boys and girls

when dazed&confused team announced their teenage takeover issue it was just a matter of time for a real buzz to roll over. the issue has finally appeared on the newsstands and it is worth the buzz. featuring hedi slimane's photographic talent and his signature aesthetic of broken (or somehow spoiled) youth, the latest dazed&confused represents a new take on its classic, ever changing rebellious british kids. leaving all sociology and psychology behind what you see is what you get. so they say. yet, supported by traditionally incredible styling by nicola formichetti, these black-and-white images capture the very spirit of the non-it teenagers. maybe these are not the most objective representatives of what's hot/what's not in today's london and outskirts of the city, yet these are the faces that send out a certain message. it's a question how to read these signs, so everyone is free to decide on his own.
the austere series of pictures portraying two girls, jessie dunne and atty swire, wearing vintage wedding dresses from beyond retro, made fakefur/ous think of a perversed idea of strength versus weakness that is so typical for slimane's works. it's quite intriguing that images of the girls speak about sin, violence and forbidden gestures much more than about chastity and light. but it doesn't get vulgar nor offensive. dealing with symbols and signs, slimane gives the viewer his own perspective on the object which doesn't nessessary deal with reality. as everything he does, this is a documentary on the verge of a dream. as anything in fashion photography, it can hardly get better than this.

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